by Mark Laymon

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The Rise of Vertical Videography How Short Form Video is Taking Over Social Media

The Rise of Vertical Videography How Short Form Video is Taking Over Social Media

In recent years, vertical videography has become an increasingly popular format for short form video on social media platforms. From Instagram Stories, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts, vertical video is taking over, and it’s not hard to see why. In this blog post, we’ll explore the rise of vertical videography and discuss the reasons behind its popularity. The DJI Mini 3 Pro has made Vertical Video easier than ever!

Vertical videography is taking over social media, and for good reason. In this blog post, we explore the rise of vertical video, the benefits it offers brands, and tips for creating compelling vertical video content. From increased engagement to higher ad recall, vertical video is a powerful tool that can’t be ignored. Read on to learn more.

What is Vertical Videography and Why is it Popular?

Vertical videography refers to video that is shot in a portrait orientation, rather than the traditional landscape orientation. This format has become increasingly popular on social media platforms, particularly for short form video. There are several reasons for this trend:

  • Convenience: Vertical video is particularly well-suited for mobile devices, which are the primary way that many people consume video content. With vertical video, viewers can simply hold their phone upright to watch, rather than turning their phone to the side. This can make the viewing experience more convenient and enjoyable.
  • Attention-grabbing: In a world where people are constantly bombarded with content, it can be challenging to capture and hold someone’s attention. Vertical video stands out in a sea of landscape video, making it more likely to grab the viewer’s attention and keep them engaged.
  • Easier to produce: Creating high-quality video can be a time-consuming and expensive process. Vertical video is generally easier to produce, as it requires less planning and can be shot quickly and spontaneously. This can make it a more attractive option for content creators.

The Benefits of Vertical Video for Brands

Vertical video isn’t just popular with consumers – it can also be a powerful tool for brands. Here are a few benefits of using vertical video in your marketing efforts:

  • Enhanced mobile experience: As we mentioned earlier, vertical video is particularly well-suited for mobile devices. By creating vertical video content, you can provide a more seamless and enjoyable viewing experience for your audience on their phones.
  • Increased engagement: Vertical video has been shown to increase engagement and retention compared to landscape video. This can be particularly beneficial for brands looking to get their message across and drive conversions.
  • Better ad recall: Research has found that vertical video ads have higher ad recall compared to horizontal video ads. This means that viewers are more likely to remember your brand and message after watching a vertical video ad.

Tips for Creating Compelling Vertical Video

Now that we’ve covered the basics of vertical videography and its benefits for brands, let’s delve into some tips for creating compelling vertical video.

  • Tell a story: As with any type of video, it’s important to have a clear and compelling story to tell. Whether you’re showcasing a product or service, or simply trying to communicate a message, make sure to have a clear and compelling narrative.
  • Use strong visuals: The visuals in your vertical video are particularly important, as they will take up the majority of the frame. Make sure to use strong, eye-catching visuals that will grab the viewer’s attention and keep them engaged.
  • Keep it short and sweet: As we mentioned earlier, vertical videography is often used for short form video. Make sure to keep your videos concise and to the point, as you don’t want to lose your viewer’s attention.
  • Experiment with different formats: There are a number of different formats that you can use for vertical videography, including Instagram Stories, TikTok, and more. Experiment with different formats to see which one works best for your brand and message.
  • Utilize text and graphics: In addition to strong visuals, consider using text and graphics to help communicate your message and add interest to your video. Just make sure to use these elements sparingly, as you don’t want them to distract from the overall message of your video.

We have found that the DJI Mini 3 Pro has been the best for beginners looking to get into Vertical Video!

Case Studies of Vertical Video

To give you a better idea of how vertical videography can be used effectively by brands, let’s take a look at a few case studies.

Case Study 1: Nike

Nike is a brand that has embraced vertical videography in a big way, using it to showcase its products and promote its messages. One example of this is the “Dream Crazy” campaign, which features a series of vertical videos that tell the stories of athletes who have overcome adversity. The videos are powerful and inspiring, and the vertical format helps to make them more impactful.

Case Study 2: Airbnb

Airbnb is another brand that has utilized vertical videography to great effect. The company has used vertical video on Instagram to showcase its unique and interesting properties, as well as to share travel tips and destination inspiration. The vertical format works particularly well for this type of content, as it allows Airbnb to showcase the beauty and uniqueness of its properties in an impactful way.

Conclusion to the Rise of Vertical Videography: How Short Form Video is Taking Over Social Media

Vertical videography is a powerful tool that can be used by brands to capture the attention of their audience and deliver their message in a compelling way. Whether you’re using it to promote a product or service, or simply to share interesting content, vertical video can be a valuable addition to your marketing efforts. So why wait? Start experimenting with vertical videography today and see the impact it can have for your brand!

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