by Mark Laymon

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The Legal Side of Drone Flying: Understanding Drone Laws

The Legal Side of Drone Flying: Understanding Drone Laws

As drone technology has advanced and become more accessible, there has been a corresponding increase in the number of drones being flown for both personal and commercial use. This has led to a need for new laws and regulations to ensure that drones are flown safely and responsibly. As a new drone videographer, it is crucial to understand these laws and regulations to avoid legal issues and ensure the safety of yourself and those around you.

In recent years, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has implemented new regulations for drone flying in the United States. The most significant of these regulations is Part 107, which sets forth rules and regulations for commercial drone flights. This regulation requires drone pilots to pass a test and obtain a remote pilot certificate before they can fly a drone for commercial purposes. Part 107 also sets limits on drone flight, such as a maximum altitude of 400 feet and a requirement that drones be flown within the visual line-of-sight of the operator.

For personal drone pilots, the FAA has also set forth general rules and regulations to ensure safe and responsible drone flight. These rules include flying drones below 400 feet, not flying over people who are not involved in the drone operation, and not flying from a moving vehicle.

It is also important to note that while the FAA sets forth regulations for drone flight, there may be additional state and local laws that drone pilots need to be aware of. For example, some cities and states have passed laws prohibiting drone flights over certain areas or at certain times.

In this article, we aim to provide an overview of some of the new drone laws and regulations that new drone pilots need to be aware of. We will also answer some common questions that new drone pilots may have about the legal side of drone flying. By understanding the laws and regulations surrounding drone flight, new drone videographers can avoid legal issues and ensure that their drone flights are safe and responsible.

“Is it illegal to fly drones around someone’s house?” – Mark Laymon, a Part 107 Certified Drone Pilot, shares his expertise on understanding drone laws and regulations in the US. Find out the answer to this common question and ensure safe and responsible drone flight on

New Drone Laws and Regulations in the US

One of the most significant changes to drone laws in the US is the implementation of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Part 107 regulations. Part 107 requires all drone pilots to pass a test and obtain a remote pilot certificate in order to fly a drone commercially. Additionally, Part 107 sets forth rules and regulations for drone flight, such as:

  • Drones must be flown below 400 feet
  • Drones must be flown within visual line-of-sight of the operator
  • Drones cannot be flown over people who are not involved in the drone operation
  • Drones cannot be flown from a moving vehicle

It is important to note that Part 107 only applies to commercial drone flights. If you are flying a drone for personal use, you do not need a remote pilot certificate, but you still need to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the FAA.

Do We Need Permission to Fly a Drone?

In general, you do not need permission to fly a drone for personal use as long as you follow the FAA’s rules and regulations. However, if you are flying a drone for commercial purposes, you will need to obtain a remote pilot certificate from the FAA and follow the rules set forth in Part 107.

Can You Fly Drones Over Private Property?

This is a complicated question, and the answer depends on a few different factors. In general, you are allowed to fly your drone over private property as long as you follow the FAA’s rules and regulations. However, if the property owner asks you to stop flying over their property, you must comply with their request.

Can You Fly Your Drone Over a Crime Scene?

No, it is illegal to fly a drone over a crime scene. This is because drones can interfere with law enforcement investigations, and can potentially compromise the safety of officers and other people on the ground.

Is It Illegal to Fly Drones Around Someone’s House?

In general, it is not illegal to fly a drone around someone’s house as long as you follow the FAA’s rules and regulations. However, if you are intentionally flying your drone over someone’s house with the intention of spying on them or invading their privacy, you could be breaking the law. It is important to be respectful of other people’s privacy when flying a drone.

Conclusion the Legal Side of Drone Flying: Understanding Drone Laws

As a new drone videographer, it is important to understand the legal side of drone flying. The FAA’s Part 107 regulations set forth rules and regulations for commercial drone flights, while personal drone pilots must follow the FAA’s general rules and regulations. While it is generally legal to fly a drone over private property, it is important to respect property owners’ wishes. Additionally, it is illegal to fly a drone over a crime scene, and important to be respectful of other people’s privacy when flying a drone. Understanding drone laws is key to staying safe and legal while flying a drone.

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