Drone Videography Course!

A beginners guide to drone videography. A drone videography course that teaches students how to use drones to capture high-quality video footage from the air. What do you want to do with your drone?

Our goal is for you to create a job replacing income by creating stock aerial footage

Common types of Drone Videography

Drone videography refers to the use of drones to capture video footage from the air. There are many different types of drone videography, each with its own unique characteristics and applications. Some common types of drone videography include:

  • Aerial videography: This type of drone videography involves capturing wide, sweeping views of landscapes, cities, or other subjects from the air. It is often used to create breathtaking, bird’s-eye views of the world.
  • Real estate videography: This type of drone videography is used to showcase properties, buildings, and other real estate assets from the air. It is often used by real estate agents and developers to create marketing materials.
  • Event videography: This type of drone videography is used to capture events such as concerts, festivals, or sporting events from the air. It can be used to create unique and dynamic video content.
  • Nature videography: This type of drone videography is used to capture natural landscapes, wildlife, and other subjects from the air. It is often used by nature enthusiasts and conservationists to document and showcase the beauty of the natural world.
  • Cinematic videography: This type of drone videography is used to create professional-quality video content with a cinematic look and feel. It often involves the use of specialized camera equipment and advanced techniques to create smooth and dramatic footage.

What do you want to do with your drone?

Vertical Video with a DJI Mini 3 Pro

Vertical video is a type of video that is shot with the camera oriented vertically rather than horizontally. The DJI Mini 3 Pro is well-suited for capturing vertical video because it has a compact and lightweight design that makes it easy to hold and operate with one hand. Additionally, the DJI Mini 3 Pro’s 3-axis gimbal helps to stabilize the camera, allowing you to capture smooth, steady footage even when moving around. The DJI Mini 3 Pro’s Ocusync 3.0 technology also allows you to see what the drone’s camera is seeing in real-time, making it easier to frame and compose your shots. To capture vertical video with the DJI Mini 3 Pro, you can simply orient the drone’s camera vertically and use the drone’s various camera controls to adjust the focus, exposure, and other settings. Overall, the DJI Mini 3 Pro is a versatile and reliable drone that is well-suited for capturing high-quality vertical video.

Night Hyperlapse with a DJI Mini 3 Pro

Night hyperlapse is a technique that involves capturing a series of still images at intervals over a period of time, and then combining them into a timelapse video. The DJI Mini 3 Pro is well-suited for capturing night hyperlapse footage because it has a compact and portable design that makes it easy to set up and operate in a variety of locations. Additionally, the DJI Mini 3 Pro has a 3-axis gimbal that helps to stabilize the camera, allowing you to capture smooth, steady footage even in low light conditions. The DJI Mini 3 Pro also has a long battery life, allowing you to capture footage for up to 31 minutes on a single charge. To capture night hyperlapse footage with the DJI Mini 3 Pro, you can set the drone up in a stationary position and use the timelapse mode to capture a series of still images at intervals. You can then use video editing software to combine the still images into a timelapse video. Overall, the DJI Mini 3 Pro is a versatile and reliable drone that is well-suited for capturing high-quality night hyperlapse footage.

Mastershots with a DJI Mini 3 Pro

Mastershots, also known as hero shots or dramatic shots, are carefully planned and executed camera movements that are designed to capture a specific moment or subject in a creative and visually compelling way. The DJI Mini 3 Pro is well-suited for capturing mastershots because it has a 3-axis gimbal that helps to stabilize the camera, allowing you to capture smooth, steady footage even when moving the drone around. The DJI Mini 3 Pro also has a range of flight modes, including ActiveTrack, which allows you to easily follow and track a moving subject. Additionally, the DJI Mini 3 Pro has a long battery life, allowing you to capture footage for up to 31 minutes on a single charge, giving you plenty of time to set up and execute your mastershots. To capture mastershots with the DJI Mini 3 Pro, you can plan out your shot in advance and use the drone’s various flight modes and camera controls to execute your vision. Overall, the DJI Mini 3 Pro is a versatile and reliable drone that is well-suited for capturing high-quality mastershots.

Introduction to drones and drone videography

Definition of drones and their capabilities

Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are aircraft that are operated remotely or autonomously, without the need for a human pilot on board. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be used for a wide range of purposes, including surveillance, mapping, photography, delivery, and search and rescue. Drones are equipped with sensors and cameras that allow them to capture images, video, and other data from the air, as well as GPS navigation systems that enable them to be flown to specific locations. Some drones are even capable of carrying payloads, such as packages or equipment, making them useful for logistics and transportation. Overall, drones have become an increasingly important tool in a wide range of industries, thanks to their ability to perform tasks quickly, safely, and efficiently.

Overview of different types of drones

There are many different types of drones, each designed for specific tasks and environments. Some common types of drones include:

  • Consumer drones: These are small, lightweight drones that are designed for recreational use. They are typically easy to fly and are equipped with cameras for capturing aerial photos and video.
  • Professional drones: These are larger, more sophisticated drones that are designed for commercial or industrial use. They are often more expensive and feature advanced cameras, sensors, and other specialized equipment for tasks such as mapping, inspection, and surveillance.
  • Military drones: These are drones that are used by military forces for tasks such as surveillance, intelligence gathering, and attack. They are often larger and more advanced than consumer or professional drones, and may be equipped with weapons or other specialized equipment.
  • Agricultural drones: These are drones that are used in agriculture for tasks such as crop monitoring, pest control, and irrigation. They are typically equipped with specialized sensors and cameras for gathering data about crops and soil conditions.
  • Delivery drones: These are drones that are used for delivering packages and other goods to customers. They are typically larger and are equipped with advanced sensors and navigation systems to ensure safe and accurate deliveries.

Introduction to drone laws and regulations

Drone laws and regulations are a set of rules and guidelines that govern the operation of drones in a given jurisdiction. These laws and regulations vary depending on the country or region, and can cover a wide range of topics, including pilot licensing, flight restrictions, privacy, and safety. In general, drone laws and regulations are designed to ensure that drones are used safely and responsibly, and to protect the rights and privacy of individuals. Some common provisions that may be included in drone laws and regulations include requirements for pilot training and licensing, restrictions on the altitude and distance that drones can fly, and rules for flying drones over sensitive areas or near airports. Drone operators are typically required to follow these laws and regulations to ensure the safety and security of the airspace, and failure to do so can result in fines, penalties, or other consequences.

Getting started with drone videography

Setting up and preparing your drone for flight

Before you can fly your drone, there are several steps you should take to set it up and prepare it for flight. These steps may vary depending on the specific model of drone you are using, but generally, the process involves the following:

  • Charge the drone’s battery: Make sure the drone’s battery is fully charged before you attempt to fly it. This will ensure that you have enough power to complete your flight without running out of juice.
  • Assemble the drone: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to assemble the drone if it is not already fully assembled. This may involve attaching the propellers, installing the battery, and connecting any additional components.
  • Update the firmware: Check to see if there are any available updates for the drone’s firmware and install them if necessary. Updating the firmware can help improve the performance and stability of the drone.
  • Install any necessary apps: If your drone requires an app to be flown, make sure you have it installed on your phone or tablet before you take off.
  • Conduct a pre-flight check: Before you take off, it’s a good idea to conduct a quick pre-flight check to ensure everything is in good working order. This may involve checking the propellers, battery level, and any other components to ensure they are functioning properly.

By following these steps, you can help ensure that your drone is ready for a safe and successful flight.

Basic flight controls and maneuvers

Basic flight controls and maneuvers are the fundamental skills that are necessary for operating a drone safely and effectively. These controls and maneuvers allow you to navigate the drone through the airspace, change its direction and altitude, and perform other basic tasks. Some common flight controls and maneuvers include:

  • Throttle: The throttle control determines the speed and altitude of the drone. Increasing the throttle will cause the drone to ascend, while decreasing the throttle will cause it to descend.
  • Yaw: The yaw control allows you to rotate the drone left or right. This can be useful for changing the direction the drone is facing or for performing turns.
  • Pitch: The pitch control allows you to tilt the drone’s nose up or down, which can be used for climbing or descending.
  • Roll: The roll control allows you to tilt the drone left or right, which can be used for changing direction or for performing turns.

By mastering these basic flight controls and maneuvers, you can gain the confidence and skills needed to operate your drone safely and effectively.

Capturing stable and smooth video footage

Capturing stable and smooth video footage using a drone requires a combination of proper drone operation and camera technique. Some tips for capturing stable and smooth video footage with a drone include:

  • Use a gimbal: A gimbal is a device that helps stabilize the camera and keep it level, which can help reduce camera shake and improve the overall smoothness of the footage.
  • Fly smoothly: Smooth and steady flight is key to capturing stable video footage. Make sure to keep your movements smooth and avoid sudden or jerky movements.
  • Use manual camera settings: Using manual camera settings can allow you to fine-tune the exposure and focus of the camera, which can help improve the quality of the footage.
  • Practice good camera technique: In addition to proper drone operation, good camera technique is also important for capturing stable and smooth video footage. This may include using a tripod or other stabilizing device, using a slower shutter speed, and avoiding rapid panning or zooming.

By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can improve your skills and capture stable and smooth video footage with your drone.

Advanced drone videography techniques

Planning and scouting for drone shots

Planning and scouting for drone shots is an important part of capturing high-quality video and photos with a drone. This process involves identifying the locations and subjects you want to capture, as well as considering factors such as lighting, weather, and safety. Some tips for planning and scouting for drone shots include:

  • Choose a location that is safe and legal: Make sure you have permission to fly your drone in the location you have chosen, and ensure that it is safe to fly in that area. Consider factors such as nearby obstacles, power lines, and other potential hazards.
  • Look for interesting subjects and compositions: Scout the area for interesting subjects and compositions that will make for great drone shots. This may include landscapes, buildings, or other structures.
  • Consider the lighting: Good lighting is crucial for capturing high-quality drone shots. Plan your shots around the time of day when the lighting will be most attractive, and consider the direction and intensity of the light.
  • Check the weather: Be sure to check the weather forecast before you go out to shoot, as poor weather conditions can make it difficult or unsafe to fly a drone.

By taking the time to plan and scout for your drone shots, you can increase your chances of capturing beautiful and compelling video and photos.

Capturing aerial perspectives and dynamic shots

Capturing aerial perspectives and dynamic shots with a drone allows you to create unique and eye-catching footage that would be difficult to achieve from the ground. Some tips for capturing aerial perspectives and dynamic shots include:

  • Use the drone’s altitude and movement to your advantage: Experiment with different altitudes and movements to create different perspectives and effects. For example, you can fly low to the ground to capture close-up shots, or fly high to capture a wide, sweeping view.
  • Experiment with camera angles: Try tilting the camera up or down to capture different angles and perspectives. This can help you create more dynamic and interesting shots.
  • Use the drone’s speed and movement to add interest: You can use the drone’s speed and movement to create a sense of motion and energy in your shots. For example, you can fly the drone through a series of obstacles or follow a moving subject to create a feeling of pursuit.
  • Use manual camera settings: By using manual camera settings, you can fine-tune the exposure and focus of the camera to get the best possible shots.

By experimenting with these techniques, you can capture aerial perspectives and dynamic shots that add interest and excitement to your footage.

Using drones for tracking and follow shots

Using drones for tracking and follow shots allows you to capture smooth and dynamic footage of moving subjects, such as athletes or vehicles. This can be a challenging technique to master, as it requires precise control of the drone and careful camera work. Some tips for using drones for tracking and follow shots include:

  • Use a drone with good tracking capabilities: Some drones are equipped with advanced tracking features that allow them to follow a subject automatically. These can be useful for capturing smooth and consistent follow shots.
  • Practice flying the drone manually: Even if your drone has tracking capabilities, it’s a good idea to practice flying the drone manually so you can maintain precise control and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Use a gimbal: A gimbal can help stabilize the camera and keep it level, which can be especially helpful when capturing follow shots.
  • Experiment with different speeds and distances: Try different speeds and distances to see what works best for your subject. For example, you may want to fly closer to the subject for a more intimate shot, or farther away to capture a wider view.

By using these tips and practicing regularly, you can improve your skills and capture smooth and dynamic follow shots with your drone.

Shooting in challenging conditions (e.g. low light, wind, rain)

Shooting with a drone in challenging conditions such as low light, wind, or rain can be difficult, but it can also lead to some of the most dramatic and compelling footage. Here are some tips for shooting in challenging conditions:

  • Use a drone with good stability: A drone with good stability is essential for shooting in challenging conditions, as it will be less affected by wind and other environmental factors.
  • Use a gimbal: A gimbal can help stabilize the camera and keep it level, which can be especially helpful in windy or turbulent conditions.
  • Use manual camera settings: By using manual camera settings, you can fine-tune the exposure and focus of the camera to get the best possible shots in low light or other challenging conditions.
  • Protect your equipment: If you are shooting in wet or rainy conditions, be sure to protect your equipment as much as possible. This may involve using waterproof cases or covers to keep your drone and camera dry.

By following these tips and being prepared, you can capture high-quality footage even in challenging conditions.

Editing and post-production for drone videography

Importing and organizing drone footage in video editing software

Importing and organizing drone footage in video editing software is an important step in the process of creating a video using drone footage. Here are some tips for importing and organizing drone footage in video editing software:

  • Import the footage: Begin by transferring the footage from your drone’s memory card or other storage device to your computer. Some video editing software programs have tools that allow you to import footage directly from a connected device.
  • Organize the footage: Once the footage is imported, take the time to organize it into folders or labels that reflect the content of the footage. This will make it easier to find specific clips when you are editing.
  • Create a project: In your video editing software, create a new project and import the footage into the project. This will allow you to access the footage and begin editing it.
  • Organize the footage within the project: Within the project, use the software’s timeline or other organizational tools to arrange the footage in the order you want it to appear in the final video. You may want to create separate layers or tracks for different types of footage, such as video, audio, or graphics.

By following these steps and taking the time to organize your footage, you can streamline the editing process and create a polished and professional-looking video.

Basic video editing techniques (e.g. cutting, splicing, color grading)

Basic video editing techniques are the foundation of video production and allow you to create polished and professional-looking videos. Some common basic video editing techniques include:

  • Cutting: Cutting is the process of removing unwanted footage from your video. This is typically done by selecting a section of the footage and deleting it from the timeline.
  • Splicing: Splicing involves joining two or more separate clips together in the timeline to create a continuous flow of footage. This is often done to create a smooth transition between shots or to remove gaps in the footage.
  • Color grading: Color grading is the process of adjusting the color balance and other visual elements of the footage to create a desired look or mood. This can involve adjusting the exposure, saturation, contrast, and other parameters to achieve the desired effect.

By mastering these basic video editing techniques, you can create professional-quality videos that engage and captivate your audience.

Advanced video editing techniques (e.g. compositing, effects, sound design

Advanced video editing techniques are specialized techniques that can be used to add visual and audio effects, create complex composites, and enhance the overall quality of a video. Some common advanced video editing techniques include:

  • Compositing: Compositing is the process of combining multiple layers of footage or graphics to create a single, cohesive image. This can involve using techniques such as green screen or masking to separate elements of the footage and place them into different layers.
  • Effects: Effects are visual or audio enhancements that can be added to a video to create a desired look or mood. These can include things like transitions, filters, or special effects such as explosions or lighting.
  • Sound design: Sound design involves creating and manipulating audio elements to enhance the overall soundscape of a video. This can include things like adding music, sound effects, or voiceovers, as well as manipulating the volume and balance of the audio to create a desired effect.

By mastering these advanced video editing techniques, you can take your videos to the next level and create highly polished and professional-quality productions.

Exporting and delivering finished drone videos

Exporting and delivering finished drone videos is the final step in the video production process, and it involves preparing the video for distribution and sharing. Here are some tips for exporting and delivering finished drone videos:

  • Choose the right format: Select a video format that is appropriate for your intended audience and distribution platform. Common formats include MP4, AVI, and MOV.
  • Set the video resolution: Choose a video resolution that is appropriate for your intended audience and distribution platform. Higher resolutions will result in higher quality video, but may also result in larger file sizes.
  • Set the video bitrate: The bitrate determines the amount of data that is used to encode the video. Higher bitrates will result in higher quality video, but may also result in larger file sizes.
  • Export the video: Use your video editing software’s export function to create a final version of the video in your chosen format. This may take some time depending on the length and complexity of the video.
  • Deliver the video: Once the video is exported, you can deliver it to your intended audience in a variety of ways. This may include uploading it to a video sharing platform, sending it via email or file sharing service, or burning it to a DVD or Blu-ray disc.

By following these steps and paying attention to the details, you can ensure that your finished drone videos are delivered to your audience in the best possible quality.

Ethics and safety in drone videography

Best practices for flying drones responsibly and safely

Flying drones responsibly and safely is essential for maintaining the safety of people and property, as well as ensuring that you are operating within the law. Some best practices for flying drones responsibly and safely include:

  • Follow local laws and regulations: Make sure you are aware of and follow all local laws and regulations regarding the operation of drones. This may include obtaining the necessary permits or approvals and staying within designated airspace.
  • Respect privacy: Be mindful of the privacy of others when flying your drone. Do not fly over private property or take photos or video of people without their permission.
  • Maintain a safe distance: Keep a safe distance from people, animals, and property when flying your drone. This will help prevent accidents and injuries.
  • Keep an eye on the weather: Pay attention to the weather conditions before and during your flight. Avoid flying in strong winds, rain, or other adverse conditions that could affect the stability and safety of the drone.
  • Stay aware of your surroundings: Always be aware of your surroundings when flying your drone, and maintain a clear line of sight at all times. This will help you avoid collisions with other objects and ensure that you can react quickly to any unexpected situations.

By following these best practices and using common sense, you can help ensure that you are flying your drone responsibly and safely.

Protecting privacy and respecting property when flying drones

Protecting privacy and respecting property are important considerations when flying drones, as they can help ensure that you are operating in a responsible and ethical manner. Some tips for protecting privacy and respecting property when flying drones include:

  • Obtain permission: Before flying your drone over private property, make sure you have obtained the permission of the property owner. This is especially important if you plan to take photos or video of the property.
  • Respect personal privacy: Avoid flying your drone over areas where people are likely to be, such as parks, gardens, or outdoor events. If you do need to fly in these areas, make sure you are not taking photos or video of people without their permission.
  • Stay away from sensitive locations: Avoid flying your drone over sensitive locations such as airports, military bases, or government buildings. These areas often have strict rules and regulations regarding drones and may pose a security risk.
  • Keep a safe distance: Maintain a safe distance from people, animals, and property when flying your drone. This will help prevent accidents and injuries and show respect for other people’s privacy and property.

By following these guidelines and using common sense, you can protect privacy and respect property when flying drones.

The importance of obtaining permission and obtaining necessary permits

Obtaining permission and obtaining necessary permits are important considerations when flying drones, as they can help ensure that you are operating in a responsible and legal manner. Some reasons why it is important to obtain permission and necessary permits when flying drones include:

  • Respect for others: Obtaining permission and necessary permits demonstrates respect for the rights and property of others. It ensures that you are not infringing on the privacy or property of others and helps to build trust and goodwill.
  • Legal compliance: In many cases, obtaining permission and necessary permits is required by law. Failing to do so can result in legal consequences, including fines or other penalties.
  • Safety: Obtaining permission and necessary permits can help ensure the safety of people and property. For example, obtaining permission to fly over private property can help prevent accidents or injuries, and obtaining necessary permits can help ensure that you are flying in designated airspace.
  • Professionalism: Obtaining permission and necessary permits can help demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to operating in a responsible and ethical manner. This can help to build trust and credibility with clients, customers, and other stakeholders.

By obtaining permission and necessary permits, you can ensure that you are operating in a responsible and legal manner and contribute to the safe and responsible use of drones.

Practical application and project work

Applying learned concepts and techniques to real-world drone videography projects

Applying learned concepts and techniques to real-world drone videography projects is an essential part of becoming a proficient drone videographer. Some tips for applying learned concepts and techniques to real-world drone videography projects include:

  • Practice and experimentation: As with any skill, the more you practice and experiment with different techniques, the better you will become. Make sure to set aside time to practice and try out new ideas and approaches.
  • Use what you have learned: Be sure to apply the concepts and techniques you have learned in your training to your real-world projects. This may involve things like planning and scouting for shots, capturing smooth and stable footage, and editing the footage in post-production.
  • Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from others on your work, and be open to constructive criticism. This can help you identify areas for improvement and guide your development as a drone videographer.
  • Stay up to date: Keep up to date with new technologies and techniques in the field of drone videography. This can help you stay current and competitive in the market.

By applying what you have learned and staying open to new ideas and approaches, you can continually improve your skills and create high-quality drone videography projects.

Working in teams to plan and execute drone video projects

Working in teams to plan and execute drone video projects can be a rewarding and effective way to create high-quality video content. Some tips for working in teams to plan and execute drone video projects include:

  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities: Make sure that everyone on the team understands their roles and responsibilities and how they fit into the overall project. This can help ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and that the project runs smoothly.
  • Communicate effectively: Good communication is key to success when working in a team. Make sure to establish clear channels of communication and make sure that everyone is aware of any updates or changes to the project.
  • Collaborate and share ideas: Encourage collaboration and idea-sharing within the team. This can lead to creative and innovative solutions and help ensure that the final product is the best it can be.
  • Manage resources effectively: Make sure to manage resources effectively, including time, equipment, and budget. This can help ensure that the project stays on track and that everyone is able to contribute to the best of their abilities.

By following these tips and working together as a team, you can effectively plan and execute high-quality drone video projects.

Presenting finished projects and receiving feedback from instructors and peers

Presenting finished projects and receiving feedback from instructors and peers is an important part of the learning process and can help you improve your skills and develop as a drone videographer. Some tips for presenting finished projects and receiving feedback include:

  • Prepare for the presentation: Take the time to prepare for the presentation by organizing your material and rehearsing your presentation. This will help you feel confident and ensure that you are able to deliver your message effectively.
  • Be open to feedback: Be open to receiving feedback from your instructors and peers. This can be a valuable learning opportunity and can help you identify areas for improvement and guide your development as a drone videographer.
  • Reflect on the feedback: After receiving feedback, take the time to reflect on it and consider how you can apply it to your future work. This can help you continuously improve your skills and grow as a professional.
  • Share your work with a wider audience: Consider sharing your finished projects with a wider audience, such as through social media or a personal website. This can help you gain exposure and build your portfolio.

By presenting your finished projects and receiving feedback from instructors and peers, you can continue to grow and develop as a drone videographer.

Let’s Make Things Happen Today

Buy the Best Drone for Vertical Drone Videography

“If you’re interested in using a drone for vertical videography, the DJI Mini 3 Pro is a solid choice to consider. This compact and lightweight drone offers impressive imaging capabilities, with a 4K camera and 3-axis gimbal stabilization to help you capture smooth, cinematic footage. Additionally, the Mini 3 Pro comes with a range of intelligent flight modes, including ActiveTrack and QuickShots, which make it easy to capture professional-grade video even if you’re new to flying drones.”

Mark Laymon

Drone Videography 101 Content Creator and CEO

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