by Mark Laymon

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How to Plan the Perfect Drone Shot

How to Plan the Perfect Drone Shot

Drone footage has the ability to capture breathtaking and cinematic shots, but planning the perfect drone shot takes more than just flying your drone and hitting record. There are a number of key elements to consider when planning a drone shot, including location, lighting, composition, and more. In this blog post, we’ll break down each of these elements and provide tips and techniques to help you plan and execute the perfect drone shot.

Want to create stunning and cinematic drone shots? This blog post breaks down the key elements to consider when planning the perfect drone shot, including location, lighting, composition, and more.


The location of your drone shot is an important consideration, as it can have a big impact on the look and feel of your footage. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a location for your drone shot:

  • Purpose: What is the purpose of your drone shot? Are you trying to capture a specific location or landmark, or are you looking to create a more general aerial view? Understanding the purpose of your shot will help you choose the best location.
  • Accessibility: Is the location easily accessible, or will you need to obtain permission or special clearance to film there? Consider the logistics of getting to and from the location, as well as any potential challenges or obstacles you may encounter.
  • Safety: Safety is always a top priority when flying a drone, so be sure to choose a location that is safe for both you and your drone. Avoid flying over crowds, near airports or other restricted areas, and make sure to follow all local laws and regulations.
  • Visual appeal: The visual appeal of your location is also important, as it will affect the overall look and feel of your footage. Consider the time of day, the direction of the light, and any other visual elements that may enhance or distract from your shot.


Lighting is a crucial element in any video, and it’s especially important when it comes to drone footage. Pay attention to the direction and quality of the light, and try to avoid shooting directly into the sun or other bright sources of light.

Here are a few tips for getting the best lighting for your drone shot:

  • Shoot at the right time of day: The time of day can have a big impact on the lighting of your shot. Early morning and late afternoon tend to have softer, warmer light, while mid-day light can be harsh and contrasty. Experiment with different times of day to see what works best for your shot.
  • Use filters: Filters such as polarizers or ND filters can help to reduce glare and improve the overall quality of your footage. They can also help to balance out the exposure in high-contrast situations.
  • Control the light: In some cases, you may need to bring your own lighting to the location. This can be especially useful for shooting at night or in low-light situations. Consider using LED lights or other portable lighting solutions to enhance or modify the light in your shot.


Composition refers to the way the elements in your shot are arranged, and it plays a crucial role in the visual impact of your footage. Here are a few tips for composing the perfect drone shot:

  • Use the rule of thirds: The rule of thirds is a basic principle of composition that suggests that the most interesting and balanced shots are those that divide the frame into three equal parts horizontally and vertically. Placing your subject along one of these lines or at the intersection of them can create a more dynamic and visually appealing shot.
  • Consider the background: The background of your shot can have a big impact on the overall look and feel of your footage. Pay attention to what is behind your subject and try to choose a background that complements rather than distracts from your shot.
  • Use leading lines: Leading lines are visual elements that lead the viewer’s eye through the frame. These can be natural elements such as roads or rivers, or they can be man-made elements such as buildings or fences. Using leading lines in your shot can help to create a sense of depth and movement.
  • Experiment with different angles: Experimenting with different angles and perspectives can help to add visual interest to your shot. Consider shooting from high or low angles, or from an oblique or diagonal perspective.

Camera Settings

The camera settings on your drone will have a big impact on the look and feel of your footage. Different shots and locations may require different settings, so it’s important to be familiar with the options available on your drone’s camera. Experiment with different aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings to find the best settings for each shot.

Here are a few tips for getting the best camera settings for your drone shot:

  • Use a fast shutter speed: A fast shutter speed will help to freeze any movement in your shot, which can be especially important for action or sports footage. Keep in mind that a fast shutter speed will also require more light, so you may need to adjust your ISO or aperture accordingly.
  • Choose the right aperture: The aperture of your camera controls the amount of light that enters the lens and also affects the depth of field in your shot. A wide aperture (low f-stop number) will give you a shallow depth of field, while a narrow aperture (high f-stop number) will give you a deeper depth of field. Choose the right aperture based on the look you want to achieve and the available light.
  • Adjust the ISO: The ISO of your camera controls the sensitivity of the image sensor, and can be adjusted to suit the available light. A higher ISO will allow you to shoot in low light conditions, but it can also introduce noise or grain into the image. Choose the right ISO based on the lighting conditions and the desired level of noise in your shot.

Conclusion on how to Plan the Perfect Drone Shot

Planning the perfect drone shot involves a combination of location, lighting, composition, and camera settings. By considering these elements and using the tips and techniques outlined above, you can create stunning and cinematic drone footage that captures the attention and imagination of your audience.

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