Drone Videography 101

Drone Videography 101

How can I learn drone videography?

Learn Drone Videography, Take Cinematic Aerial Drone Footage, and Make Money
Created by Certified Part 107 Drone Pilot Mark Laymon

Drone Videography is the use of Drones to Capture Amazing Video Footage from Above!

Drone videography is a type of aerial videography that involves the use of drones to capture video footage from above. Drones are equipped with high-quality cameras that allow them to capture footage from a variety of angles and heights, making them a popular choice for capturing aerial shots in film, television, and other visual media.

Drone videography can be used to capture sweeping shots of landscapes, follow moving subjects, or provide unique perspectives on a scene. In order to use drones for videography, operators must typically obtain special training and certification, and follow strict safety guidelines to ensure the safety of people and property. View our Drone Videography 101 Course to learn much more about Drone Videography. Plus, we share more Drone Videography News on our blog, with lots of educational content, it’s the place to start.

Vertical Video

A vertical drone video is a video shot using a drone that is designed to fly in a vertical orientation.

Vertical drone videos can be used for a variety of purposes, including capturing aerial footage of landscapes, buildings, and other structures, as well as for capturing action sports or events.

They can also be used for commercial purposes, such as real estate or construction site documentation.

Night Hyperlapse

A night hyperlapse is a time-lapse video shot at night, typically featuring scenes with low light or no light at all.

To create a night hyperlapse, you will need a camera with a long exposure setting and a tripod (or Drone) to keep the camera steady as you capture the frames.


Drone mastershots refer to aerial footage captured using a drone that is designed to provide a sweeping, panoramic view of a scene or location. These types of shots are often used to establish a sense of place or to provide context for a scene.

Drone mastershots are often used in film and television production, as well as in commercial and promotional videos. They can be captured using a variety of different types of drones, ranging from small consumer drones to larger professional-grade models.

DJI Mini 3 Pro

Getting Started in Drone Videography

Learn How To Take Awe-Inspiring Aerial Drone Video Footage

Drone videography is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, to capture video footage from the air. Drone videography can be used for a variety of purposes, including film and television production, real estate marketing, event coverage, and more.

To create professional-quality drone videography, it is important to have a high-quality drone with a camera that can capture clear, stable footage. It is also important to have a good understanding of the technical aspects of drone flight, such as how to properly operate the drone and how to plan and execute smooth, stable camera movements.

In addition to the technical skills needed to operate the drone, it is also important for drone videographers to have a creative eye and the ability to plan and execute visually appealing shots. This may involve scouting locations, choosing the right time of day to capture footage, and carefully planning and rehearsing camera movements.

Drone videography can be a rewarding and exciting career for those who are passionate about capturing beautiful aerial footage and creating visually stunning content.

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Beginners Guide to Drone Videography

Everything You Need To Start Making Money With Drone Videography

Making Money with Drone Videography

Drone videography can be a lucrative business if you have the skills and equipment to capture high-quality footage and a strong understanding of the market. There are many ways to make money with drone videography, including:

  • Freelance videography: You can offer your services as a freelance videographer to clients in a variety of industries, such as real estate, events, and advertising. You can also create a portfolio of your work and market it to potential clients through your own website or social media.
  • Stock footage: You can sell your drone footage to stock footage websites, which allow businesses and individuals to purchase footage for use in their own projects. This can be a passive income stream if you have a large library of footage available for purchase.
  • YouTube: You can create a YouTube channel and monetize your drone footage through ads and sponsorships. This can be a great way to reach a large audience and build a following, but it’s important to create consistent, high-quality content and be strategic about your marketing efforts.
  • Film and television: You can work as a drone operator on film and television productions, where you will be responsible for capturing aerial shots using a drone. This type of work typically requires specialized training and experience, as well as a strong understanding of safety regulations.

Overall, there are many opportunities to make money with drone videography, but it’s important to have a clear understanding of your target market and to continuously improve your skills and equipment to stay competitive in the industry.

Drone Videography 101 makes money from multiple resources

Make Money With Vertical Drone Videography

Make Your Money Online

Drone Videography 101 makes money from multiple resources. Multiple streams of income make it easier for us to create a course and not be extravagant in price.

Affiliate Programs, Partnerships, Selling Stock Footage, Donations, and of course… Our Drone Videography 101 Course Memberships.

By offering a range of services and targeting different markets, you can also create multiple income streams with vertical drone video.

For example, you can sell your footage to stock footage websites, work as a freelance videographer for clients in various industries, and monetize your content on platforms like YouTube.

Diversifying your sources of income can help to reduce risk and ensure a steady stream of revenue for your business.

Our Part 107 Certified Drone Pilots

You MUST have a Part 107 Certificate in the United States if you plan to make money with a drone!

Part 107 Drone Pilot Certification

What is the Part 107 Drone Pilot Certification?

The Part 107 Drone Pilot Certification is a certification program for commercial drone pilots in the United States. The certification is administered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which is the regulatory agency responsible for the safety of civil aviation in the United States.

To be eligible for the Part 107 certification, a person must be at least 16 years old and able to read, speak, write, and understand English. They must also pass a knowledge test, which covers topics such as airspace rules, weather, and aircraft performance.

Holding a Part 107 certification allows a person to legally operate a drone for commercial purposes, such as taking photographs or videos for a business or conducting inspections of property or infrastructure. There are some restrictions on where and how drones can be operated under the Part 107 certification, and pilots are required to follow all applicable rules and regulations.

If you are interested in becoming a certified drone pilot, you can find more information on the FAA’s website or by contacting an FAA-approved testing center. We recommend the Pilot Institute for training to pass your Part 107 exam.


Choosing the Best Drone for Vertical Drone Videography

When choosing the best drone for vertical drone videography, there are several factors to consider. These include:

  • Camera quality: The camera is one of the most important considerations when it comes to vertical drone videography. Look for a drone with a high-quality camera that is capable of capturing clear, detailed footage.
  • Flight stability: A stable drone is essential for capturing smooth, professional-looking footage. Look for a drone with good flight stability, either through built-in sensors or through the use of gimbals.
  • Flight time: The longer a drone can stay in the air, the more time you’ll have to capture footage. Look for a drone with a long flight time, especially if you’re planning on shooting longer video segments.
  • Range: The range of a drone refers to how far it can fly from its controller. If you plan on shooting footage from a distance, look for a drone with a long range.
  • Price: Drones can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Consider your budget when choosing a drone and look for one that offers the features you need at a price you can afford.

It’s also important to consider the laws and regulations governing the use of drones in your area, as well as the safety precautions you’ll need to take when operating a drone.

Our Favorite Videography Drone is the DJI Mini 3 Pro

The DJI Mini 3 Pro is a popular choice for videography drones because it offers high-quality video and image capture, as well as a compact and portable design. Some of the key features of the DJI Mini 3 Pro include:

  • 4K video capture: The DJI Mini 3 Pro can capture video at up to 4K resolution, allowing you to create high-quality video content with clear, crisp images.
  • 3-axis gimbal: The drone’s 3-axis gimbal helps to stabilize the camera, allowing you to capture smooth, steady footage even in windy conditions.
  • Ocusync 3.0 technology: The DJI Mini 3 Pro uses Ocusync 3.0 technology to transmit video and images to your phone or tablet in real-time, allowing you to see what the drone’s camera is seeing in real-time.
  • Compact and portable design: The DJI Mini 3 Pro is small and lightweight, making it easy to take with you wherever you go.
  • Long battery life: The DJI Mini 3 Pro has a long battery life, allowing you to fly for up to 31 minutes on a single charge.

Overall, the DJI Mini 3 Pro is a versatile and reliable drone that is well-suited for videography projects. It offers high-quality video capture and a range of features that make it easy to use, making it a popular choice among drone enthusiasts and professionals alike.

DJI Mini 3 Pro

Yes, the DJI Mini 3 is our first recommendation for a drone. With 4K video capture, a 3-axis gimbal, Ocusync 3.0 technology, it’s compact, and has great battery life, It just ROCKS!

Drone Videography 101 - How can I learn drone videography?

Learn How to Start Taking Video with Your Drone

We make it easy, with simple to follow steps, you can start producing videos that make money.